22 Years Of Empowerment
Check out these graduate stories from graduates over 20 years at Women’s Empowerment.
Celebrate the empowerment the WE community has helped build over the past 22 years!
Growing up in foster care and going through domestic violence, Tara’s walls were up. She found it hard to let other people in. Now, she would be unrecognizable to her past self, always radiating positivity. She is a committed advocate for Women’s Empowerment, the home-away-from-home that helped her come out of her shell and find her voice. She isn’t afraid to use her voice, advocating for herself in her job at Raley Field, and is always striving to better herself and grow.
Together, WE can empower! #WEsacramento #weempower
Joanna describes her 8 years of homelessness as unendingly frightening. After she came to Women’s Empowerment, she found the confidence she needed to get back in the workforce. Joanna found employment, but was unable to afford permanent housing and continued to experience homelessness.
She wanted to become a Certified Nursing Assistant, but struggled to find a program she could afford that also allowed her to work during the day. Through WE’s partnership with the National Council of Jewish Women Sacramento, she was awarded a grant through the Bridge to Success program. Today, she finds fulfillment through caring for patients and spending time with her children.
Together, WE can empower! #WEsacramento #weempower
Together, WE can empower! #WEsacramento #weempower
“Everybody should feel like they have a purpose.” Women’s Empowerment graduate, Patty, found her purpose through advocacy. Experiencing a disability herself, Patty speaks up for the disabled community by being a part of the Sacramento County Disability Advisory Commission. Stepping out of her comfort zone to find her own voice, she passionately fights to ensure that women’s voices are heard. Through her work with the Sacramento National Women’s Political Caucus and the Capital Women’s Campaign, she finds fulfillment knowing she has a part to play in getting women elected into public office. Coming to Women’s Empowerment took courage, and every day Patty uses that same courage to create long-term change in our community. Together, WE can empower! #WEsacramento #weempower
WE have been here, supporting women for the last 22 years. These grads have become part of the WE community, have inspired many, and will continue to EMPOWER.
The work is not done. There is a growing population of women and children experiencing homelessness who haven’t yet found the right resources. You can make a difference, volunteer, donate, and/or partner!
Together, WE can empower! #WEsacramento #weempower