Jade Found Her Home!
Jade Maricelle Anderson sits on a bench, posing gracefully to have her photo taken. The bag with her work clothes lies nearby, her eyes sparkle in the afternoon light, and her smile and easy laughter are infectious to everyone around. She is filled with beautiful confidence that stems from a feeling of safety, belonging, stability, and accomplishment.
She is excited about her future — a far cry from
where she was just a year ago.
Before coming to Women’s Empowerment, Jade felt isolated and alone, with little hope that her life could change. “I didn’t have a job; I didn’t have a home or a place I felt safe or comfortable; I didn’t have food to eat; I was lost, hating the situation I was in.”
When Jade found Women’s Empowerment, she didn’t hesitate to enroll in Session 86 of the job readiness and empowerment program, which she now describes as “the best decision I have ever made.”
During the eight-week program, Jade says she gained so much.
Jade was diligent with her job search and regular meetings with her Housing Specialist. It wasn’t long before her hard work paid off. She graduated from the program with a great job offer and benefits. With support from Women’s Empowerment Housing Partners, today, Jade has her own apartment and a place she feels safe.
With the stability and confidence she has gained, Jade is excited to build healthy relationships and continue working on her finances,
“I am looking forward to all the exciting possibilities
that life now has to offer.”
No longer isolated or alone, Jade is now part of a community of over 1,780 women (and 3,893 children) who graduated from Women’s Empowerment and built brighter futures. “I never had a place where I belonged before, but I do now.
Women’s Empowerment is a community-building permanent change, but it would not be possible without support from people like you. This holiday season, you can help women experiencing homelessness, women like Jade, find their place in our community and create a life of stability.
Your gift can empower our community.
Women’s Empowerment has helped many women like Jade find their inner strength and feel strong, powerful, and empowered. Your gift makes an impact on the lives of women and children experiencing homelessness.