Once a Graduate. Always a Graduate.
Always a Graduate

Securing a job and rebuilding a life after homelessness can be challenging. To address the crucial need for advanced training and continued support, Women’s Empowerment continues to provide ongoing graduate services to women* for as long as they need them. This includes:
*People who identify as non-binary genders and feel they belong in this community of cis and trans women are invited/welcome to participate in our programs and services
Life After Graduation
Financial Literacy Classes
Paid Job Training Opportunities
Employment Through Community Partnerships
Women’s Empowerment works with community partners to create employment opportunities for Women’s Empowerment Graduates. For more information about these opportunities please email Employment Specialist, Terri at terri@womens-empowerment.org
Women’s Empowerment Clothing Closet
The clothing closet is open for Graduate Shopping Mondays & Thursdays 11:00 am – 2:00 pm. No appointment is needed.
On-site Computer Lab Access
Counseling With a Social Worker
Women’s Empowerment Lending Library
Hours of Operation: CURRENTLY CLOSED
Employment Specialist Support
Housing Specialist Support
Women’s Empowerment Housing Specialist is available by appointment to advocate for and assist graduates with housing related tasks, whether a graduate needs assistance finding housing solutions, navigating the competitive process, or communicating with a landlord, the WE Housing Specialist is here to help.
Enrichment Classes and Groups
Ready to Rent Course
Ready To Rent is a housing readiness program for renters that have difficulties finding housing due to some of their barriers. This course is intended to improve the renter’s knowledge in the rental process, as well as provide the necessary tools to help the renters eventually find housing in Sacramento’s competitive rental market. Please email iasia@womens-empowerment.org for course dates/times.
Trellis Gardens Housing Program
Trellis Garden is Women’s Empowerment’s transitional housing program for more information, please contact Jennifer Romano (916) 407-4585 jennifer@womens-empowerment.org
Bridge to Success
In partnership with NCJW Sacramento, we created BTS in 2016 to award mini-grants to graduates and help them move toward self-sufficiency. Take a look at their brochure here. Grants are provided to graduates who are facing financial challenges and need help with a one-time expense that prevents the applicant from securing safe housing, job training, education, or employment. For more information please contact our Program Director Tracie Davidson 916-231-1394 x110 tracie@womens-empowerment.org