Paid Job Training

Women’s Empowerment paid job training programs are designed for graduates to gain work experience or specific job skills that will help them secure permanent employment and build pathways out of homelessness. To find out more about each of our paid job training programs, please click on the programs below.

Through a partnership with California Assemblymember Kevin McCarty, Women’s Empowerment graduates are hired for four-month paid internships at the Capitol or his district office. This program has proved to be a success; all of the participating graduates have secured full-time jobs with benefits and living wage. Assembly member McCarty is working with his legislative colleagues to help expand this program so more women can participate in this valuable experience.

These opportunities are ongoing throughout the year. To find out more about how to apply, please email Terri at

In 2018, Women’s Empowerment partnered with the Institute of Real Estate Management Sacramento Valley Chapter (IREM Sacramento) to begin R.E.N.E.W., a paid training program in property management.
The intensive training session includes a professional curriculum developed and taught by IREM Sacramento. After passing the exam, graduates receive a certificate of completion in property management and connections to potential jobs. Because of the nature of property management, many graduates obtain housing when they secure a job. Women’s Empowerment also is partnering with local developer and board member, Nikky Mohanna, who will hire five  R.E.N.E.W. graduates each year for the next ten years to work as resident property managers for her 19J apartments in Sacramento.

Women’s Empowerment offers  R.E.N.E.W. biannually. Applications open to Women’s Empowerment graduates prior to each session. To find out more, please email Terri at

In partnership with Sacramento Security Training Center, Women’s Empowerment offers a scholarship for graduates to receive training in order to obtain a Guard Card, a necessary certification to get a job as a security guard in the state of California. Women apply for this scholarship and then as a cohort, go through the 40 hour training program. Once graduates obtain their Guard Card, they have a host of
opportunities for full-time or part-time work. In addition, Women’s Empowerment also partners with the Golden 1 Center to provide security opportunities during games and events there! Women’s Empowerment offers this opportunity biannually. Applications open to Women’s Empowerment graduates prior to each session. To find out more, please email Terri at

Women’s Empowerment has teamed up with GRID Alternatives North Valley to provide a 4 week paid solar installation training! Grid Alternatives North Valley is the local chapter of a national nonprofit whose mission is to build community-powered solutions to advance economic and environmental justice through renewable energy. Through their in-depth training, graduates of Women’s Empowerment have the opportunity to start a career in the growing field of renewable energy that helps people and the planet. In this training, graduates will develop the skills that are most relevant to entry-level solar installation jobs and related construction employment fields.

To find out more or enroll in the next training session, please email Terri at