WE Updates

We’re so grateful for all of those that  contributed to Big Day of Giving. We raised $119,076 that will go directly into funding resources and programs that support women experiencing homelessness in our community.


Creating Something Beautiful

Our staff, community, and students came together on  Big Day of Giving to create a beautiful mosaic. The individual pieces have quotes, lyrics, and encouraging messages for the women that come into our program to see and use as motivation to finish out the program strong.


Student Achievements

We’d like to hear from you!

Have you been a longtime volunteer, mentor, or supporter of Women’s Empowerment?  We want to hear your story! Tell us about:

1. A time a student blew you away
2. A time you helped a student accomplish something amazing
3. How impressed you are with a student’s progress
4. Any positive story you’d like to share with us

We’d like to share these stories on social media or in our newsletter. If you have pictures of you and your student, we’d love to share those too! If you’re interested in telling us your story, please email gloria@womens-empowerment.org.